Community DevelopmentSkills

Thinking Globally and Acting Locally: Nurturing the Next Generation

Raising our children is not just about preparing them for today but for the future. Our kids are the backbone of the next generation. It is crucial to engage them in learning skills that are relevant in the 21st century. Web3 technology is a prime example of an area where children can benefit from early exposure and training. With millions of digital skills available, guiding our kids to learn these skills is essential.

In developed countries like China, India, Japan, and Korea, it’s common to find young children, as young as six to ten years old, who can develop websites, design objects, and operate computers proficiently. These talented kids were not born with programming knowledge. Instead, they learned these skills through the guidance of their parents. Even if the parents themselves had no prior knowledge of digital skills, they engaged their children in learning, showing them the way.

Learning digital skills is incredibly important in our current era. Engausa Global Tech Hub has broken down barriers and closed gaps with its program, “Catch Them Young.” This program is offered during school holidays at an affordable price. Through Engausa’s “Catch Them Young,” your children will learn coding, graphic design, video editing, creativity, and innovation, significantly boosting their knowledge and confidence.

Parents, this is a call to action. Many of our children possess remarkable intelligence beyond our expectations, but we might not recognize it if we don’t provide them with opportunities to showcase their creativity. Engausa Hub breaks down barriers and bridges gaps, offering the Engausa Catch Them Young program to nurture and develop young minds. Enroll your kids in the program right after the school holidays. Let’s cultivate their potential and watch them thrive!

By enrolling your children in programs like Engausa Catch Them Young, you’re investing in their future. Early exposure to creative and intellectual challenges can significantly boost their confidence and abilities. Don’t wait, unlock your child’s potential today!

Iya Musa

Content Creation: Crafting engaging and informative written pieces for blogs. Social Media Management: Building and managing a brand presence across social media platforms, keeping audiences engaged.

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